Please Support our FUNDRAISER for New PLAYGROUND Equipment !!!
sells for $20 but buyers of the card
will get their money back in savings
IN JUST 4 - 5 USES of the CARD!!
Then continue to enjoy big savings
on businesses they already go to!!
A Discount Card with Five Special Features:
1. Discounts for 14 Local Kansas City, KS Businesses – Most are in 66112 Zip Code
2. PLUS Over 300,000 Discounts Nationwide!! View Discounts at
3. An EXCELLENT Incentive Prize!! - Receive FREE cards* = EARN MONEY !!!
4. PLUS Receive a $25 Restaurant Savings Certificate.
5. Cards can be purchased online with credit cards. Sell by emails, Texts, Facebook and Social Media!
MCDONALD'S 7530 State Ave & 4101 Kansas Ave
Buy 1 Big Mac or Quarter Pounder, Get 1 FREE
PAPA JOHN'S 7361 State Ave Location
Buy 1 Lg or XLg Pizza @ Reg Price, Get 2nd Pizza FREE
SUBWAY 1120 N 79th St, Kansas City, KS 66112
Buy One Get One Free Reg. 6 in Sub with purchase of 40 oz. drink
GOODCENT'S DELI 7933 State Ave Location Only
Buy One 8'' Sub, Get One 8'' Sub FREE
PAPA MURPHY'S 7630 State Ave Location Only
$5 OFF Any Family Size Pizza at Regular Menu Price
CHURCH’S CHICKEN 8234 Parrallel Parkway
10% Off any Regular Priced Purchase
CULVER'S 1925 Prairie Crossing St @ Speedway
Buy 1 Any Size Concrete, Get 1 FREE
BURGER KING 7736 State Ave
Buy 1 Whopper Combo Meal, Get 1 FREE Whopper
IHOP 1919 Prairie Crossing @ Speedway
15% OFF Total Purchase (Open 24 Hours)
FANTASTIC SAM'S 82nd & State Ave 913-299-8820
20% OFF Any Haircut
ME MA'S BAKERY 7720 State Ave
10% OFF Total Purchase
ITALIAN DELIGHT 8145 State Ave Location Only
$2 OFF Any Large Pizza
K C BOWL 8201 State Ave Location
Buy 1 GameGet 1 FREE (Valid on Open Bowling Only)
SKATE CITY 7838 Washington Ave KC, KS 66112
$1 off admission any Sat or Sun Matinee Session
NATIONWIDE DISCOUNTS Coupons - Over 300,000 participating locations nationwide for you to access for discounts! Friends and relatives all around the country are also potential buyers of SPN Gold Card! Also MORE discounts in the 66112 zip code!
Go to to view discounts. To redeem any of these discounts just login with your Member ID printed on the back of your card.
Below are just some of the discounts available through PRINT these coupons and present coupon prior to payment.
9400 State Ave.
Save $2 - $7
on Admission
1701 VillageWest Pkwy
Free Sunday adult brunch with purchase of same.
1008 N 78th St
Free single patty Sonic cheeseburger with purchase of same.
10932 Stadium Dr.
$5 off purchase $20 or more.
For every 7 cards you sell, you will receive 1 FREE card!! With your FREE card you can use this card as your own discount card OR sell this Free Card for cash and YOU RECEIVE THE $20 PROFIT!! It's almost like making money for selling discount cards! Sell 14 cards and receive TWO FREE cards and sell them and you made $40 as your incentive prize.
IMPORTANT Information regarding FREE Cards - The Free Cards will be presented only after ALL the students money has been turned in!! The FREE Card CANNOT be sold online!! You must personally sell this for cash which you may then keep.
Buyers of the “SPN GOLD Card” will receive a Free $25 Restaurant Savings Certificate from!
How to Redeem your $25 Restaurant Savings Certificate: 1. Go to 2. Click on the “Cardholder Login” link in the Upper Right Hand corner. 3. Click on the GREEN $25 link that says “Redeem Your Gift Certificate” – Upper Left Hand corner! 4. Enter in your information as requested by the form. 5. Please allow 3 business days for your e-mail with the info to arrive 6. Follow the instructions in the e-mail to get your Savings Certificate off of
Direct people to the customized Fundraiser page that will assist you in selling the “SPN GOLD Card”.
(An easy way to remember the website is stands for “Stony Point North PE")
Sales Strategies:
1.Make a Contact List of all the people that you can contact to purchase the “SPN GOLD Card” Discount Card.
“Who do I know that would like to save money and also support Stony Point North?” Make a list of these people like on the chart below.
Do you have relatives or friends in other areas of the country? Check out their zip code. Go to to see all the discounts available for any zip code in the US. The names that you listed are the people that you will contact about buying the “SPN Gold Card” discount card.
Don’t be afraid to ask anyone, anywhere! Everyone can save money and support Stony Point North.
2. Decide how you will contact the people that you listed above; in person, by phone, e-mail, texts, Facebook, etc.
3. Put contact information for this fundraiser on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.
4. Talk to people in person or by phone. Or if you don’t normally see a person on your list direct people by email to the customized Fundraiser page at that will assist you in selling the “SPN GOLD Card”.
(An easy way to remember the website is stands for “Stony Point North PE") Buyers of the discount card can purchase their cards on-line through a credit card or PayPal.
5. Every student/family should try to SELL AT LEAST 5 CARDS to help our school reach our goal for new Playground Equipment. After you sell 5 card CONTINUE SELLING so that you can receive the INCENTIVE PRIZE of receiving a FREE Card for every 7 SPN Gold Cards that you sell. Then sell 14 cards and receive $40, sell 21 cards and receive $60 .....
6. After you have finished selling cards turn in the "SALES ORDER FORM" along with the money you have collected to the office at
7. You will also find out who has purchased an "SPN Gold Card" on-line that you had directed to the website. You will then be issued the “SPN GOLD Cards”. You then need to deliver the "SPN Gold Cards" to the people that purchased from you in person or online ASAP!!!
8. Have fun and help raise money for our NEW Playground, as well as earn a GREAT Incentive Prize for yourself!
Direct Sales approach (When talking face to face to a potential buyer or on the phone):
Hi, My name is ____________, and I’m a student at Stony Point North Elementary School. We are currently doing a fundraiser to raise money for a NEW PLAYGROUND. The fundraiser is a discount card with 14 Local Discounts in our neighborhood!! Plus access to a website with available discounts to almost 500 businesses within 25 miles of KC Metro AREA including over 300,000 NATIONWIDE across the country. This discount card sells for $20 but you will get your money back with savings from just 4 - 5 uses on discounts and gives you HUGE savings on businesses that you most likely already make purchases at. These discounts are available for one full year! Could you help support us with a purchase of this card? Thanks !
For Emails, Facebook, or use or Social Media you can use…
(Copy and Paste the script below into your email.)
“Hi, I am writing to let you know about a fundraiser we are doing for Stony Point North Elementary School. We are raising money for a NEW PLAYGROUND, and I would like to ask you for your help. Please go to and you can purchase a discount card through our team website.
The fundraiser is a discount card with 14 Local Discounts in our neighborhood!! Plus access to a website with available discounts to almost 500 businesses within 25 miles of KC Metro AREA including over 300,000 NATIONWIDE across the country. This discount card sells for $20 but you will get your money back with just 4th savings of 4 - 5 uses on discounts and gives you HUGE savings on businesses that you most likely already make purchases at. These discounts are available for one full year!
When you purchase your discount card on-line please make sure that you click on the text that states “Supporting a Specific Person? Who?” Enter my name in the box. you list my name in the credit card purchase information, so that I will receive credit for this sale.
With your help and support, you will be helping our students and school tremendously, as well as helping me earn a great prize incentive. Also, after you purchase the discount card please make sure you send me an e-mail that you have purchased the card and I will deliver or mail you the discount card ASAP! Thanks!
PLUS .... there are MANY, MANY MORE in the Kansas City Metro area and ALL around the country!!
If you have any questions about redeeming the Nationwide Discounts or Restaurant Savings Certificate redemption, please call Xtraman Fundraising Customer Service at 1.800.405.6020 option #2, and they will be happy to help you through the process.
Make sure you click on the text that states “Supporting a Specific Person? Who?”
Enter their name in the box.
Make sure you click on the text that states “Supporting a Specific Person? Who?”
Enter their name in the box.
Make sure you click on the text that states “Supporting a Specific Person? Who?”
Enter their name in the box.
In addition to selling the "SPN Gold Card" through face to face conversations you can also email, text, and put selling information for this fundraiser on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.